March 6

L.H. argues… The U.S. needs to join the Paris climate accord again!

President Donald Trump obviously doesn’t think we need to be a part of the Paris climate accord, but if we take a look at the state of our climate, climate change is slowly destroying our planet. The United States needs to join the Paris climate accord again. In other words, global warming is slowly destroying our planet and the United States needs to do something about it.

This makes sense because, this is the only planet we know of that has life if we destroy our planet, we won’t have anywhere to go. If the United States and other countries don’t work together to save our planet, Earth may be destroyed. That is why the United States needs to join the Paris climate accord again and work together with other countries to save Earth from future climate change.

What if nothing is done to stop global warming, the sky became very polluted, and you might not be able to go outside without a mask on. Eventually Earth warmed up so much that glaciers started to melt, the oceans then rose. They flooded our beaches and eventually flooded the whole planet with water. All because humans didn’t do anything to help or stop global warming.

All 194 of 195 countries are now a part of the Paris climate accord, Paula Caballero, a climate policy specialist, states that, “With syria now on board, the entire world is resolutely committed to advancing climate change action all save one country.” The same website Theatlantic says that, “The United States is ‘the only powerful country’ that has disavowed the treaty…’’ This proves that if the rest of the world is trying to help stop global warming, and they must be right about how big of a problem climate change is. All other countries will fight global warming, and we will sit back and as we destroy our planet.

Sammy Roth from USA Today found that, “Scientists who study Earth’s atmosphere… published research more conclusively linking extreme storms to climate change, and found new evidence suggesting sea levels could rise more dramatically than expected.” While it may not be obvious to us now, climate change risks tearing apart our planet, and it may actually be a bigger problem than expected.

On the other hand, some people think otherwise Author Justin Haskings, writer for Fox News, explains how Trump and the GOP are making our economy great again “ The most important action of President Trumps was to start reversing the clean power plan and to pull out of the Paris climate agreement.” This may seem like climate change is not a problem, but there are a couple issues with this. Haskings is not an expert on climate. Also, Haskings had no proof as to why it was a good thing Trump took the United states out of the Paris climate accord. As a result, just one person’s view of climate change does little to prove it was a good thing pulled out of the Paris climate accord.

As I’ve just proven, the United States  should not have pulled out of the Paris climate accord, now we are the only country not a part of the Paris climate accord. We need to join the rest of the world in the Paris climate accord. We can choose to stand by and watch our planet be destroyed, or we can join the rest of the world in this war against climate change. We can keep our blue skies, pretty beaches and, and stops storms that are even bigger than they should be because of global warming. I hope we choose wisely for the sake of our planet and everything on it.






March 6

A.M. argues…Microchips should be implanted in kids!


Some people think microchips should not be implanted in kids, but I think otherwise. Put another way, parents should have a choice to put trackers in their children. This makes sense because the amount of kids that go missing is staggering. Think about how many dogs that go missing and how many are returned to their families because they had a microchip. If a child is implanted with a tracker, they could be found if they go missing.

Imagine if two 5-year-old boys are playing at a local park. A tall man walks up and offers candy and toys. He asks the two if they want more. They both nod in excitement wanting more sweets. The two follow him to his car. Once arriving at the strangers car, he pops his trunk. Acting surprised, he turns to the kids and says that he left all the goodies at home. If they come home with him, they will get the rest of the candy. The two hop in the car with wide smiles on their faces. Once they arrive at the house, he lures them into the basement. After a couple of hours pass one boy is found because he had a tracker chip implant. Days pass, and the other boy is nowhere to be found. A week later, the other boy is found dead in a creek. This happens everyday right under our noses.

A study done by Jordan Taylor published on the Observer states “20,124 kids were reported missing in 2013…” Approximately 8,000 abductions happened in New York only. Each year, the number of kidnappings increases. These numbers are staggering, and if we don’t implant microchips in kids, this will continue.

Former Microsoft software developer Ramez Naam, now speaker and author, said he, “…envisions using chip implantation to help monitor the location of people with Alzheimer’s disease.” As Ramez points out, microchips could be used on everyone, not just children. The approximate number of missing people from 2013 is 600,000. This has raised significantly over the past years. We could end this by implanting microchips.

The same article by Jordan Taylor quotes, “There is also the $30 Toddler Tag Child Locator…” Jordan continues, “…sends a an alert to the parent’s accompanying transmitter when the child has wandered more than 30-feet away.” What this quote id trying to say is that you don’t have to implant the chip in your child. There are other options. Such as this device. However, chipping your child still may be a better option.

Despite the advantages of microchipping, some people claim that having a microchip implant is the worst thing we could ever do. Lee Tien from Electronic Frontier Foundation  states, “Any technology of this kind is easily abusive of personal privacy…” From the same study, Lee  continues “If a kid is trackable, do you want other people to track your kid?” This may seem like proof that microchipping is dangerous, there is a solution to protect against this. Tracking devices can be protected just like you can password protect a your phone. Therefore, Lee Tien’s comment does not disprove my claim that kids should be microchipped.

As I’ve proven, microchip implants could help the community with missing children and kidnappings. Once implanted, you will always know where your child is and if they are safe. We can’t let child abductions continue any longer. We have a choice to make. We can continue to allow children to be kidnapped or, we can keep kids safe by microchipping them. If we do this parents will not have to worry about their kids when their away. I hope we choose wisely.

March 6

Z.M…Yell Outlaw homwework


Most teachers think homework should be handed out, but I think that it should be outlawed. In other words teachers shouldn’t be able to hand out homework.

Having homework makes no sense at all because kids have busy lives with sports.  I think that if homework outlaw kids would have more time to be active with friends and sports

Imagine if you hand karate after school you go to school and all of your class have homework you go home and when you are done it is 8:15 and karte ended at 6:15 now you re behind in karate and it took you 1 hour for math because you are in the unite of dividing decimals and if you were able o do it at school you should ask for help.

Experts also agree that this is unnecessary. According to, “A recent World Health Organization study fond 64 percent of 15 year – old girls and 59 percent of the same age feel pressured to do homework.” The same website also states that, “ In elementary schools, where we assign overtime even to young children study have shown there is no academic benefit to any amount of homework has no effect on kids at all.” By the same illustrator he states that, “ Yet we continue to overwork our children depriving them of the chance to cultivate heath and learn deeply, burning them with an imbalance of sedentary academic tasks,American High school students,in fact do more each week than their peers in the average country in the oeco.” what I have proven that homework and let them feel pressured or stop this madness and more time to hang out with friends, I hope for the sake of our hids make the right choose very wisely!     


March 6

K.B yells…unfair health care payments

Many people think that those who don’t pay insurance should still get the the same medical care, but I think otherwise. People who don’t pay for insurance shouldn’t get the same medical care as those who do.  What I’m trying to say is that people should be required to pay for health insurance in order to receive medical care.

This makes sense because when you pay for medical care you get what you paid for, but even if you don’t pay you get the same help as someone who does pay.The people that pay should not have to pay and get the same help while someone who doesn’t pay can get the same help without paying.

As an example, Imagine there is a single mother of two kids working two jobs and is struggling to pay her bills, but yet still finds a way to pay for her family’s health insurance Then ,on  the other hand, you see this man with no kids, who plays video games all day, doesn’t have a job and is not even trying to pay his bills or insurance and yet he can go into a hospital to get the same care. How can that be right?

Health insurance payers across the country agree to, according to Maureen Groppe publisher of, “… For bills that go unpaid, hospitals can try to compensate by charging other patients more.” In other words the bills of those that do not pay get charged to those who are paying. Health insurance is already expensive enough,So having to pay for someone else, just seems unfair.

Those who pay understand. According to Lauren Thomas publisher of “… The latest Gallup-Healthways poll  found that 11.3 percent of U.S adults didn’t have health insurance in the first quarter of the year, compared to 10.9percent of adults uninsured in the third a and fourth quarters of 2016.” Can you believe that 11.3 percent of people do not not pay for their health insurance? That means those who do not have to pay,or are paying, are doing their part that don’t pay, don’t seem to understand who is paying for their health. Why don’t people know?

Payers know, according to Maureen Groppe,”… when will policy makers decide not to provide health insurance?” Those who can’t afford or they just not paying should not get the same health care, as those that pay to not pay and get health care that is just the same as everybody who does lot of money, does not seem ok.

What i’ve stated is those who don’t pay for health insurance should not get the same standard of care as those who do. Those that pay or others are not getting what they signed up for. Health insurance is expensive, so just because they are able to pay, why should they be expected to pay for someone else’s bill? We have a choice to make,we can go on and let those who pay for health insurance continue to cover the bills of those that do not, or we can put a stop to this, and say those who don’t pay don’t get the same level of health insurance.

March 6

J.C. shouts…Football is dangerous!

Many people believe that you can play a lifetime of football and not make any sacrifices,  but I know football causes permanent damage to the human body and all people should should be aware of these effects. In other words football is a dangerous sport and should not be played by kids under age eight, I still love the sport and older people should be able to play the sport. Although, they should be aware of the affects.

This is so logical because, if people think that young athletes can play contact sports like football and not get hurt or injured then there will be a lot more injuries. But if young athletes are aware of these injuries and effects possible, then they will take the right safety precautions and less kids will get hurt.

A frightening but true example of this is a young kid plays tackle football  does not think anything bad could happen, so then the kid does not make the right choice and does not wear a mouthguard, next thing you know the kid is out there and gets tackled and is rushed to the hospital the doctor tells the parents and coaches that the kid has brain damage and will most likely never walk again. Meanwhile, the kid is thinking this is all because I did not wear a mouthguard. On the other end of the stick a kid who knows that you can get injured from football takes the right safety precautions and wears a mouthguard and no one one the kids team gets injured, now the team is lead to the championship game.

Experts also agree that football is dangerous to young athletes. According to John Woolfolk, head of the Bay Area News Group says that “we have an obligation to protect children from dangerous long-term injuries resulting from tackle football especially brain trauma”. The same website also has another piece of evidence that says. Natasha Bottali, who also works for the Bay Area News Group says that she has a “16 year old son luck that has been playing tackle football for 8 years and is now the quarterback at San Mateons Salle High School”. Natasha Bottali said her self that football is dangerous although, she still loves the sport. It is obvious to see that football is dangerous but many people still love the sport maybe we just need better protection.

I also found opinion based evidence from Harvard Health That “physicians vigorously opposed boxing and tackle football in youth and encourage patients in to participate in alternative sports in which intenchinal head blows are not central to the sports”. This peace of evidence tells me that hitting and tackling should not be tolerated in sports.

As I have proven through my whole ESA football is a dangerous sport to younger children, older athletes should have the choice whether to play the sport or not. We have a choice to make here we can allow young children to play the sport and they will be receiving more hospital visits this year or we can wait till the children are older and can choose for themselves. I hope you chose wisely.

March 6


Many educators believe that students should start school earlier in the day. But I would like to disagree. In other words, students should start school later in the day because if they do they are going to be more involved in their work. They will be more involved because they got the right amount of sleep which is 8-10 hours of sleep.

This makes sense because students need every bit of education that they can get. Without it they wouldn’t make it very far.

Imagine a classroom, and in that classroom are exhausted students not listening or participating in class activities. Now imagine another classroom with a later start in the day. That classroom would include attentive well rested students that are more likely to achieve daily goals.

Experts also agree that students should start school later in the day. According to Mark fischetti “…In the last three years, however , scientific studies have piled , and they all lead to the same conclusion: a later start time improves learning. And the later the start better. Many students do not get as much education as their supposed to because they’re tired and need more rest.

The experts and numbers don’t lie. Kyla Washlstrom says “According to the National sleep Foundation the sleep requirement is 8-10 hours per night. Yet, the average teen in america obtains less than seven hours of sleep on a school night. The students that get seven hours and under wake up so early in the morning that they are again extremely exhausted.

As i’ve proven, students could improve their learning by moving school times to later in the day. This can improve their learning because the students would get more rest and the effect on that would me more participation.

We have a choice to make. We can either move school times to later in the day and improve learning, Or we can keep school times at 8am or lower.  I hope we choose wisely. 

March 6

A.H. demands…..That schools should start later!

Some administrators think that we should start earlier than 8:30 but I believe that  middle school and high school should start at 8:30. In other words, I believe that we should extend morning classes to 8:30.

This is so logical because the middle school and high schoolers will skip first block just to get a little more sleep and energy for the remainder of the day. As the children keep calling in  the child looses good learning opportunities of that class.As we know 12 and up kids  fall asleep at around 10 ,11 or even 12! So if administrators would give all schools that  one extra hour of sleep.

        Imagine this,  Little Ole Kevin was a little drowsy throughout the day and  has a lot of homework from his classes. When he  gets home he has no time for his homework because his parents have a very strict set of rules he has to follow. He has to clean the house spotless, do all the family landry , and if the rules were  not met he would get yelled at profusely and in the worst case beaten. As for his homework, he has to stay up most of the night doing his homework. And once again he is drowsy. How can this be fair to a child?

Experts also agree that we should start at 8:30 According to Lawrence Eptin a medical director. “ Adequate sleep is essential to be feeling awake and alert,maintaining a good health, and working at peak performance.” The same Website states that  “All most 50% of american  kids bike or walked to school in 1969,But today  it is only a staggering 13% All because of he late start times. That is about 15% of the american kids in the country. When children don’t get enough sleep they academically challenge themselves  with nos getting the adicuite sleep.

 In a website called CDC features states that, “The proposal to push back first period begins comes from a concern that is starting school too early negatively affects  teens.”     This website also produced a study of 3 teens one slept for 4 hours, 8 hours and 6 hours. The Teen that slept  for 8 hours had a better academic rise than the others the teen got  about 20% better  testing score than the other teen.”  The website also produced an debate “This subject has been debated heavily since school is starting earlier and earlier”

As I’ve proven ,High school and middle schoolers should start at 8:30 or later in the morning.The reasons are that the mental health and academic lives are in  danger. We have a choice to make we can let our children’s academic lives concave or we can start a better life for our children for our child to grow a beautiful academic life. I   hope we make the right choice for the kids of this century.  I hope we all chose wisely.      

March 6

A.R believes…We should not kill predators!!

At first glance, we might think that hunting is good but if we look closer we see that predators like wolves get hunted a lot by farmers and hunters because they have the upper hand. What I’m trying to say that we have weapons and the predators don’t have any kind of weapon.                      

This makes sense because predators kill prey and if there are no predators the prey could then overpopulate the area.  

Imagine a wolf walking in the woods and then you see a Hunter. He sees the wolf and shoots it, and it dies on the spot. The hunter walks away gets in his truck,and drives off leaving the wolf to rot.

Experts also, agree that killing a wolf is wrong. Kitty Block states, “Wolf-caused livestock only 0.01 percent of the regions livestock inventory in 2017.” What she’s trying to say is that wolves do not cause much damage to livestock. Although they are a threat, we shouldn’t kill them because they do not impact our livestock inventory as much as we think.

According to the Humane Society, of the United States, “unsporting and cruel methods such as the use of painful steel-jawed leghold traps,strangling neck snares,archery” are used to kill wolves. Meaning that when we kill them it is a cruel and painful death. Not only are we killing wolves that do not need to be killed,but we are killing them in a way that they shouldn’t be killed. What I’ve stated that we should not be killing wolves or any other other predators. Predators help us control prey overpopulation like with rabbits and other prey which is beneficial. We should not kill or hunt predators because they are not a threat and do not deserve to die. I hope we will make the right choice and stop this horrible killings.


March 6

R.W. demands…Save the animals!

Many people think that using poor defenseless animals to test our beauty cosmetics is a good idea, but I disagree. Animals are feeling pain, and shouldn’t  have to suffer when they are testing our cosmetics. In other words, the animals being tested on could get severely hurt or die!

Using animals to test human beauty supplies makes zero sense at all. Mainly because when the scientist messes up and doesn’t realize it they still have to test that product on a tiny defenseless creature. The animal could die, or get a disease of some sort. Who knows, but that disease could spread and kill tons of animals. Plus have you ever seen an animal putting on makeup or evan wearing makeup? I haven’t! The animal being tested on can’t exactly stand up for itself. Really all the animal can do is run. Although, if the animal runs enough, the scientist will have to tranquilize that animal.

Imagine you were a chemist or a scientist, you have just made your first beauty product. Now you are required to test you new product. That small helpless animal is your favorite pet, It strs to wail in pain, or it has an allergic reaction. After wailing in pain and losing its air for a while, it eventually dies. You have just killed an innocent animal that absolutely nothing to you. Your own pet did not deserve to die.

Many researchers and experts agree that using animals to test human cosmetics mostly like makeup, is wrong. Bloomberg Technology states, “People for Ethical Treatment of animals estimated in 2013 that Chinese companies had tested products on more than 300,000 rabbits, mice and other critters in the previous year.” As Bloomberg Technology stated, thousands of animals are dying. Most of that 300,000 rabbits and other tiny critters are most likely already dead, or need extreme treatment to survive. Evan the Ethical Treatment of animals believes that the amount of animals being tested on is too big. Animal populations are going down because, of the makeup and other beauty products that is tested on them.

Another website written by, Alicia Graef on June 9, 2017, states, “… there’s now renewed hope that the U.S. could soon end the senseless suffering caused by testing for cosmetics.” Alicia Graef said that the testing of makeup on animals is senseless. When the animals are tested on, that is a scientist killing or hurting that little that can’t stand up for itself. Plus that is one less animal in that population.

In short, the animals being tested on are dying. This should be stopped. Animals like bunnies and other tiny creatures are lessening in population due to scientists testing cosmetics on those animals. We have a choice here. We can continue to allow scientists to kill innocent animals and then population numbers go down, or or we can stand up for these animals, try to end this completely undeserving torture for the animals. To keep the balance of nature, I hope that we can make the wisest choice here.


March 6

V.P demands…Child under 18 shouldn’t have social media!

Most children or young teens have social media, but I feel like they shouldn’t. In other words, teens under 18 years old shouldn’t have social media.

This makes sense because so many teens are talking to strangers they don’t know and that can lead to the stranger tricking them into they’re somebody else. Social media is like a cage that bad people put up to trick children to go into, but young adults like 18 year olds have more experiences so they can tell who’s bad and whose isn’t.

Imagine, a kid who’s only 10 gets a new phone and she downloads a social media called Instagram. After, making a profile picture and a username she found out that Jessica_125 friended her. Jessica messaged her and told her she’s also 10 and they talked for a week, but suddenly Jessica told her that she was in her neighborhood and said she wanted to met her. Eagered, she said “yes!” and walked outside to the park where Jessica told her to met her at. Then, the young harmless 10 year old is greeted by the so-called “Jessica” who looks like a middle age man. The man grabs the poor girl into his vehicle and quickly drives away. Now, the young girl is missing, nowhere to be found and her parents are devastated just because of one little tiny mistake.

 Experts also agree, pedophile hunter Paul Hackett claims, “ Pedophile in UK are increasingly caught through fake social media accounts.” the same website also states that, “we know that over a third of UK 15 year olds are on the internet for six or more hours a day.” that means that teens under 18 are talking to pedophiles but for more than 6 hours, that’s insane! It’s obvious that tees under 18 shouldn’t have social media.

 Also, according to Mark Bridge a Health Correspondent, “Social media is as bad as obesity.” he also states, “when evidence is shown older children are spending 20 hours every week online.” Mark’s research tells us that teens are on their phones too much which is causing obesity. If teens didn’t  have phones they would go outside way more and the number of child obesity would decrease.

 Experts like Dr. Chris Ferguson states, “ that social media is causing depression.” and he also states, “ Social media addiction has been much-flouted term lately.” Chris points out that children look at their phones too much and it cause depression or worse it can cause suicide.

In short, teens are too addicted to their phones and even worse your child right now, could be talking to a stranger or a pedophile. We can’t let teens under 18 have social media have social media if they can use it cautiously We have a choice to make,  we can let teens talk to strangers they don’t know or we can change the age to have social media tp 18 to keep our children safe. I hope in the future we can decrease the amount of kidnaps, suicide, ect caused by social media.